Lightning Protection
Lightning Protection is covered by BSEN62305, Protection Against Lightning, which identifies the primary risks from a lightning discharge as “loss of human life” and “loss of service to the public”
A detailed risk analysis calculation determines which one of four levels of protection is necessary to reduce those risks below a tolerable level. The criteria for the design of the lightning protection system is governed by the resulting levels 1 to 4.
All our design staff are BSEN62305 accredited in all four parts by our trade association ATLAS, The Association of Technical Lightning and Access Specialists. All are trained in the use of industry specific software and receive regular additional in house and external technical training to keep them current.
Churchill offer the full range of lightning protection services including our unique on-line shop.
Design, supply and installation
Lightning protection is built into the majority of electrical specifications for new build projects and can take many forms. All can be broken down into six main categories. An air termination network, bonded connections, down conducting paths, an earth termination network, surge protection devices and annual test, inspection and maintenance.
Modern building practices allow certain elements of the building structure to form part of the lightning protection system.
Annual Test Inspection and Maintenance
The effectiveness of the Lightning Protection System can be reduced over time due to physical damage, corrosion, adverse weather conditions, or as a result of alterations to the building. Earth electrode resistance values can also fluctuate adversely over time. To protect the structure and personnel annual test inspection and maintenance are crucial.
Surge Protection
In addition to structural protection, all services entering or leaving a structure, and from any roof mounted equipment, must be provided with suitable surge protection devices (SPDs). This typically includes the main supply, power to roof mounted equipment, telephone and data cables, CCTV, PV arrays and remote structures fed separately from the main distribution board.
Without surge protection devices the lightning protection system is not in accordance with BSEN62305.
Early Streamer Emission Devices (ESE)
Alternative Lightning Protection solutions using ESE Devices are often called for where it is totally impractical to install a traditional lightning protection system. They may even form part of a technical specification for a particular project. Whilst Churchill offer this service, it should be noted that ESEs are not recognised BSEN62305. They are used widely on the continent and provided generally in accordance with NF C 17-102
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