Electric Vehicle Charging Points
In accordance with the 18th Edition Wiring Regulations, Electric Vehicle Charging Points (EVCP’s) installed on a PME / TNCS supply require an independent earth.
Our simple and effective copper lattice mat earthing solution is ideal for earthing EVCP’s at both new and existing properties.
The kit provides all the necessary accessories in order for the EVCP to be connected to earth.
Installing an earth mat within a bed of conductive aggregate as opposed to driving traditional earth rods provides a higher success rate in achieving the required resistance to earth and significantly reduces the risk of damage to underground services.
Installation can be carried out by hand digging without the need for specialist equipment.
(Whilst 200 ohms is stated in the IET Code of Practice for Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment Installation, the required earth resistance value will be specific to individual cases. We always recommend expert advice is sought from a competent suitably qualified and experienced electrical contractor or designer for the calculation to be carried out in accordance with the 18th Edition Wiring Regulations).

Visit our online shop or call us on 0115 9862415