Churchill Specialist Contracting Ltd have once more partnered with their European partner to become a UK provider specialising in the back filling of redundant underground services and ground stabilisation using Hard Foam.
This innovative system for back filling redundant underground services as the added benefit of providing a cured strength of 30
Kn, which on average is more than double that achieved when using traditional flowable cementitious grouts to back fill.
One of the main advantages of using Hard Foam is that the operation is self-contained in the site delivery vehicle and therefore offers an all-round cleaner solution when compared to cementitious based grouts, which as a process often require a significant amount of post work cleaning to take place.
The product, to give its full descriptive title QF 66 Hard Foam, has the advantage that the liquid is applied and cures without having to expand.
The final cured product is relatively light in weight, another major advantage when compared against concrete-related materials, and can be pumped with large amounts of substance in a relatively short period of time, more than halving that of many cementitious grout applications. This provides a significant time and cost saving and in addition helps further increase the green footprint of QF 66 Hard Foam
This innovative alternative to back filling redundant underground services as well as other applications boasts so many clear advantages over cement based alternatives and although relatively new to the UK market is set to very quickly become the application and product of choice.
For more information contact our Enviro contracts manager at –